Reflecting on me as a designer

Every piece of this puzzle tells something about a part of my life.

It starts with my childhood, where I developed my love for creativity and my ability to connect loose ends of stories together in one full story.
Furthermore the pieces tell about my study, how I saw myself during my bachelor and how different projects changed this feeling, leading into choosing my master.
Moreover, it shows how the puzzling and connecting the loose ends stayed an important part for me as a designer during my projects.
The puzzle also shows how my character has developed during my study-life into the person I am right now which turns into the goals I have set for myself.
The last piece of this puzzle shows how I see myself as a designer right now and what I want to achieve in the future, it shows that I want to keep on puzzling!


Material, techniques and design
I have designed the puzzle myself and it is made of 3 layers of laser cutted MDF.

The first layer shows the title of the project and my name, this layer is used as a cover for the pieces.
The second layer are the puzzle pieces. On top they show what they are about and on the backside they show a picture belonging to the story of that piece. Every piece has its own form, also belonging to the content.
The third layer is the bottom of the puzzle, here the text belonging to each piece is written.

The pictures and the text are both printed on the wood. In this way this project is a combination of some of the different techniques I can work with; printing and laser cutting.